Moon Signs

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Ruling Planet of the Zodiac: The Moon

The Moon is the closest celestial body to the Earth. Our emotions are governed by its movements, just as it moves the ocean tides. In astrology, our Moon sign reveals our inner self and the traits and characteristics that make up our emotional personality. It helps us identify what can make us feel nurtured, secure and satisfied by illuminating our greatest emotional needs. In addition, the Moon is connected to our intuition and our Moon sign can drive how we respond to our “gut feelings.” It is important to note, our Moon sign represents our shadow side that is only revealed during self-reflection or when we expose our vulnerabilities with other people. The more you get to know someone, the more their Moon sign’s influence will be exposed.

Because the Moon moves into a different Zodiac sign every 2-21/2 days more than just our birthdate is needed to figure out our Moon sign. The city we were born in and the exact time of our birth are essential in order to discover which Zodiac sign the Moon was in at the exact moment of our birth, along with a Moon sign calculator. Click here to visit a Moon sign calculator at

Moon in the 1st House: Aries

If your Moon sign is in Aries you are an adventurous, courageous and strong minded individual. You communicate very directly allowing everyone to know exactly how you feel. You enjoy the limelight and like to be in charge. You hate showing any of your personal weaknesses and shun comfort, support and nurturing from others. You are an initiator that adapts to changing circumstances, but can be a bolt of lightning if your patience is tested. You tend to be spontaneous, unpredictable, impulsive, headstrong and dislike being restrained. You don’t complain and are always ready to meet any challenge. You have a creative spirit and colorful personality that is ready for new adventures.

Moon in the 1st House: Aries

Moon in the 2nd House: Taurus

If your Moon sign is in Taurus you desire security in every aspect of your life. You are emotionally secure, even tempered, peaceful, loving and not easily ruffled. You have very high emotional intelligence and are dependable and responsible. These qualities can be very soothing for others in your presence. You are a resourceful, determined and persistent individual that cannot be pushed into doing anything. You can be very stubborn, especially during times of change. You expect loyalty in love because you are devoted to those you care about, but can become too clingy and suffocating. Sometimes you get too comfortable with the status quo and miss opportunities to make necessary changes in your life.

Moon in the 2nd House: Taurus

Moon in the 3rd House: Gemini

If your Moon sign is in Gemini you express your moods through words as you intellectualize your feelings. You need to communicate and share knowledge, but sometimes are unaware of your own or other’s emotional needs. You prefer to avoid heavy, emotional relationships and commitment can be scary to you. You are closest to people who mentally stimulate you. You desire and crave knowledge and are very receptive to new ideas and thoughts. Decision making can be a challenge for you and you spend hours contemplating the pros and cons. You can be very charming, witty and kind, but may suffer from nervous tension, anxiety and stress. It is important to find balance by being able to control your mind or you could end up indecisive.

Moon in the 3rd House: Gemini

Moon in the 4th House: Cancer

If your Moon sign is in Cancer you feel emotions easily and deeply. This can lead to moodiness and irritabilities. A difficult, but necessary task for you, is to learn to control your emotions. You often appear irrational to others because you struggle to verbalize the reason for your feelings. Others have to learn to accept your ups and downs and understand your need to withdraw at times. Your greatest need is to nurture and mother others and you are very sympathetic to their needs. Your environment is essential to finding inner peace. You need a comfortable and comforting living space where you can create your own sanctuary to restore and rejuvenate yourself. You have a strong intuition and can be quite psychic if you learn to trust your gut. You are a tenacious fighter for those you love and will do whatever necessary to protect them.

Moon in the 4th House: Cancer

Moon in the 5th House: Leo

If your Moon sign is in Leo you are loving, kind, protective and generous which inspires great devotion and loyalty from your loved ones. You are a passionate person with a big, bold, colorful personality which can come off as intimidating and aggressive, but deep down you are a gentle soul. You are an ambitious, noble leader with many creative talents and big ideas, but must be mindful to not cross boundaries of professionalism. You love hard and deep, despite being hurt before. You need complete and absolute adoration from your partner and are willing to do anything for love.

Moon in the 5th House: Leo

Moon in the 6th House: Virgo

If your Moon sign is in Virgo you are sensitive, shy and cautious about sharing your feelings, but have a natural curiosity about finding out what makes others tick. You can be judgmental and opinionated. You strive for perfection at all times and can be very critical of yourself. The need for perfection can stifle your growth. You get very anxious if your environment isn’t clean and clutter free and can be meticulous about cleanliness. In addition, your strong mind-body connection inspires you to take care of your emotional health by taking care of your physical health. You are practical, down to earth and intelligent able to find an efficient method of accomplishing any task. Integrity is of the utmost importance to you,

Moon in the 6th House: Virgo

Moon in 7th House: Libra

If your Moon sign is in Libra you are kind, empathetic, agreeable and love to socialize. You are a considerate and thoughtful friend and always make others feel appreciated. You have a strong sense of reason that leads to good judgement. You strive for peace, harmony and balance in your life avoiding confrontations and unpleasant emotions. This can cause internal strife and make it very difficult to stick to your principles out of fear of taking sides or not being perceived as fair. Social injustices or seeing people get treated unfairly are the exception and will tip your scales into action as you defend those that can’t defend themselves.

Moon in the 7th House: Libra

Moon in 8th House: Scorpio

If your Moon sign is in Scorpio you have difficult trusting others because you become suspicious of their inner thoughts and motivations. You only open up to and expose your vulnerabilities to a few of your closest allies in fear that you will be perceived as weak or vulnerable. Everything you do is done with intensity and passion. Just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, your transformation follows destruction. This is part of your process and how you evolve into the best version of yourself. You are a very loyal person who exudes a trustworthy persona that draws others to confide in you. You must learn to let things go and express your feelings rather than repress them. You are a magnetic, energetic, independent and determined person that has the potential to be very successful once you are able to learn self-control and discipline.

Moon in the 8th House: Scorpio

Moon in the 9th House: Sagittarius

If your Moon sign is in Sagittarius you are an enthusiastic, optimistic, independent and generous person that has many friends and acquaintances. You are brutally honest with your emotions and do not hold back when it comes to conveying how you feel. You enjoy having philosophical conversations with others, sharing your expansive knowledge about a range of topics. You are always ready for a good time and enjoy being social, traveling and new adventures. Your security comes from knowing you have the freedom to move at will and don’t have to answer to anyone else’s demands. You don’t allow anything to get you down and no matter how bleak things may seem, you are confident the future with be brighter. You do have a temper and cannot tolerate others trying to deceive you. You can appear intolerant, close-minded and arrogant.

Moon in the 9th House: Sagittarius

Moon in the 10th House: Capricorn

If your Moon sign is in Capricorn you are serious and responsible. You are a very loyal person who people can depend on. You are uncomfortable with displaying your emotions and tend to suppress your feelings until you either explode or they cause anxiety or depression. You want to appear composed and in control at all times leading you to rely on the assurances of others before you can relax and open up. You are a fantastic leader who can be stern, but also compassionate. You are ambitious and hard working to provide for your family because stability is essential in your eyes. You focus on long term success and are always setting goals to ensure you keep striving to achieve more and more. You always finish what you start but instead of waiting to celebrate until the job is complete have gratitude for the smaller milestones you have achieved and give yourself some credit along the way. You take pride in the struggle because doing things the easy way doesn’t count in your eyes. Perfectionism can be your weakness.

Moon in the 10th House: Capricorn

Moon in the 11th House: Aquarius

If your Moon sign is in Aquarius you are guided by intellect over emotion. You can appear detached and cold because you express your emotions by saying how you think rather than how you feel. You are most secure when working in groups where you can demonstrate your progressive, inventive ideas to make the world a better place. You stick up for the underdog as a voice of reason that encourages others to rise above their pettiness to find unity. You require freedom and independence in your relationships and will back away if others get too close or clingy. You have disdain for a partner who is possessive and jealous or one who tries to quell your free spirit. You are an innovator who paves the way for progress and are unafraid to experiment with new ideas or ways of thinking.

Moon in the 11th House: Aquarius

Moon in the 12th House: Pisces

If your Moon sign is in Pisces you are a compassionate, sensitive, kind and gentle, imaginative, empathetic person. You understand how people feel and why they react to situations. You enjoy working behind the scenes and are not afraid of hard work, especially if it involves helping those less fortunate than you. You are passionate about helping the underdog or those being disenfranchised. Because of your kindness, people turn to you when they are suffering for nurture and guidance placing you at risk of absorbing their energy. You may need to withdraw to cleanse yourself until you regain your strength and emotional balance. You may also benefit from surrounding yourself with people who love you unconditionally and comfort you when the burdens of the world become too much to handle. Music and creative expression are a vital part of your life that will help you express your emotions and deal with the heavy burdens you place on yourself.

Moon in the 12th House: Pisces

Final Thoughts

We hope this posts help you gain insight into your "shadow side" and what you need to feel nurtured, secure and safe, as well as the needs of those you are closest to in your life. We encourage you to set aside some time to reflect or meditate on who your "shadow side" is and how it affects you everyday. Gaining deeper awareness into your true, authentic self can help facilitate personal growth and lead you one step closer to becoming the best version of yourself!

What is your Moon sign and how do you feel it's influence? Comment below or email us at

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