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Create your own Healing Crystal Grid Kit by Soul Sisters Designs

Create Your Own Healing Crystal Grid Kit


Create your own Crystal Grid Kit!  Choose two sets of six healing crystals, one of our reversible pouches with Seed of Life Grid and a Focus Stone of either tumbled Quartz or a piece of Selenite.  We will provide instructions on where to place the crystals, how to set an intention and then activate your grid.  Sacred Geometry is the geometry of all creation.  When Healing Crystals are laid out into a Sacred Geometry pattern, their energy aligns with the energy of the Universe enabling us to harness that energy to help manifest the intention we set.  The reversible pouch measures 6"x7" in length, has a drawstring closure and a permanently adhered Seed of Life Grid on the interior of the pouch.  The Grid is approximately 4-1/4" in diameter and was cut out of Heat Transfer Vinyl.  You will chose two sets of tumbled stones from the following list:  Black Onyx, Hematite, Rose Quartz, Tigers Eye, Amethyst, Sodalite, Citrine, Labradorite, Black Obsidian, Rough Amazonite, Picture Jasper, Tumbled Amazonite, Moonstone, Howlite, Petrified Wood, Kambaba Jasper, Blue Chalcedony, Bloodstone, Rainforest Rhyolite and Blue Lace Agate.  This kit is perfect for your bedside table, personal alter or for the times you want to meditate in the park, travel with your crystals or keep them with you throughout the day.  There is ample room in the pouch to keep any other sacred adornments or items you wish to use while gridding.  Send us an email if you have any questions or check out our blog post on Crystal Grids to learn more!

  • Healing Properties


    Onyx is a strength providing stone that is highly beneficial in difficult times involving physical or emotional stress. It centers our energy and aligns us with our higher power who gives us guidance and strength. Onyx wants us to be the master of our own destiny and it promotes the vigor, stamina and steadfast that we need on our journey. Onyx encourages us to learn from our past mistakes allowing us to develop confidence in our judgment and decision-making abilities. An excellent stone for absorbing and transmuting negative energy, Onyx wants us to focus on the important things in life. It fosters self-discipline and self-control facilitating our ability to manifest our greatest desires.



    Hematite is extremely effective at keeping us grounded. When emotions run high or the stress of everyday life has you at your breaking point, use Hematite to balance these emotions and keep yourself grounded and focused on your goals. A very supportive stone for women, Hematite boosts self-esteem, invigorates willpower and radiates confidence, while removing self-imposed limitations and doubt. Hematite is a protective stone that eliminates negativity from our Aura returning us to a harmonious state. In addition, it stimulates our ability to concentrate and focus, heightens our memory and organizes our thoughts. Hematite helps us come to terms with our past mistakes and regrets persuading us to see them not as disasters, but as learning experiences and opportunities for growth.

    Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz is known as "The stone of unconditional love." It has a soothing energy that increases empathy towards oneself and others. It helps improve our ability to forgive ourselves for our past indiscretions and gives us the strength and courage to forgive others for any wrongs they may have done. Rose Quartz reminds us that extending compassion and love towards ourselves is essential to our growth. Without doing so, we continue to carry too heavy of a burden that will weigh us down and hinder us on our journey towards enlightenment. Rose Quartz understands how difficult this task can be and will assist by lowering stress and tension and dissipating the anger and jealousy we feel, promoting only loving, peaceful thoughts and actions.

    Tigers Eye

    Tigers Eye has a powerful energy that combines the grounding qualities of earth with the uplifting vitality of the sun putting us in a grounded, high vibrational state. A stone of balance, it works to align our lower Chakras stimulating the flow of Kundalini. Additionally, Tigers Eye helps to harmonize our Yin Yang and emotional energies. Tigers Eye is a protective stone that was used as a talisman since ancient times to ward off evil and negativity. It instills the courage we need to recognize what strengths and talents we already possess, along with areas of ourselves that need improvement. Increasing self-worth and self-esteem, Tigers Eye promotes creativity and clarity to resolve our internal conflicts enabling us to proceed with our highest intentions as the best version of ourselves.



    Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective crystal with an immensely high vibration stemming from its deep purple hue. It balances our mind, body and spirit leaving us feeling centered and grounded, while converting our scattered thoughts into focused ideals. Amethyst is a wonderful crystal to wear or keep at the office as it repels all forms of negative energy from the environment. Amethyst links our physical, mental and emotional energies to the Spiritual. This cleanse and revitalizes our Aura, raises our vibration and connects us to the endless love of the Divine, while providing insights into our true-nature and encouraging us to seek Spiritual wisdom and guidance. It is very beneficial to the brain, as it can both calm and stimulate based on what is needed at the time. Amethyst can also enhance our memory and improve our motivation to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. In addition, Amethyst dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety making it an excellent stone to sleep with to avoid nightmares. Amethyst is a true gift from the Divine and must have in every crystal lover’s collection!


    Sodalite is a stone of self-expression and confidence. It enhances our self-worth and self-esteem while encouraging us to live our truth through our words and actions. Stimulating our Pineal Gland and Third Eye, Sodalite assists in heightening our intuition and promoting focused, rational thoughts. For those of us that tend to react emotionally, Sodalite tames our impulsive emotions by encouraging us to use logic, rational thoughts alongside our intuition. Sodalite helps us release our fears, insecurities, phobias and guilt that have been holding us back from reaching our full potential. Returning us to a sense of balance healed from our past emotional wounds and trauma, Sodalite invigorates our spirit, self-esteem and self-acceptance.


    Citrine is a very powerful stone with cleansing and regenerating properties that mimic the energy of the sun. It transmits a vibrant, warm vibration that leaves us feeling more confident, strong and energized. Citrine is also known as an abundance stone teaching us how to manifest and attract prosperity, wealth and success. The energy of Citrine is one of happiness and joy that raises our self-esteem and encourages us to express ourselves creativity. When working with Citrine to enhance creativity, you will notice your inhibitions and insecurities start to wither as happiness and confidence flow through you. You will be more likely to experiment with new ideals without the fear of judgment and criticism that may have held you back in the past.

    Labradorite is known as the stone of mystery and magic. Hiding beautiful shades of blue, green, gold, pink and purple, while appearing plain and ordinary, Labradorite patiently waits until light shines upon it to reveal these magical colors radiating from within the stone. Aligning the subtle body with the physical body, Labradorite helps raise our level of consciousness while simultaneously grounding our spiritual energy into our physical body. Labradorite stimulates our intuition and brings messages from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Understanding how difficult our journey can be, Labradorite waits tirelessly to reveal hidden truths and mysteries to us when we are ready to embrace them and the transformation this knowledge will bring. In addition, Labradorite promotes strength and perseverance to help us overcome any obstacle. Labradorite serves to remind us that we all have hidden beauty waiting for light to shine and reveal our magic.


    Obsidian is actually volcanic glass formed when molten lava cools too quickly for it to crystalize. It went through an extremely fast transformation, born from the earth out of pure fire. It is a stone without boundaries or limitations that is an extremely powerful, but often times overlooked stone. Nothing is hidden from Obsidian. It will mercilessly expose our flaws, weaknesses and blockages. Obsidian points out all our destructive and disempowering conditions impelling us to grow into our highest self. Despite the harshness of what Obsidian exposes, it will be supportive as well. It has a strong protective shield that it puts around us blocking out negativity from every angle. It is naturally a very grounding stone that has a cord that connects us to the deep core of the earth supporting our transformation by keeping us grounded throughout. Obsidian will help you get to the core of your problems and purify and transform you into a better version of yourself.

    Picture Jasper

    Picture Jasper encourages us to see the bigger picture. By holding onto our negative emotions we sabotage our spiritual journey. The drawings that appear on Picture Jasper are said to be from Mother Earth herself. Each stone is a gift from Gaia revealing hidden knowledge and messages from long ago. By examining these hidden message we learn of our past and with that, the ability to finally let it go. Picture Jasper also wants us to express our own creativity. Serving as inspiration and providing courage and strength, Picture Jasper assists in making our dreams into realities. The stone also serves as a reminder the importance of fostering a greater understanding of all people and their distinct histories and unique cultures. Forging a connection between of all of humanity is a path towards healing the planet and living in true


    Amazonite has a soothing and calming energy that helps relieve stress and irritation. It dispels negative energy that one is holding onto returning them to a more balanced state. When conflict arises, Amazonite will help you see both sides of an argument and help improve one’s verbal and non-verbal communication until an understanding is reached. It also assists with alleviating worry and fear by calming the nervous system. It is a great crystal for those suffering from emotional trauma. On a mental level, it combines information from the brain with one’s own intuition raising the level of consciousness. Amazonite is a great filter for geopathic stress and electromagnetic pollution. Placing Amazonite on a computer, cell phone and microwave is said to alleviate the affects these types of pollution have on the mind, body and spirit.


    Moonstone is often referred to as "The Goddess Stone." Directly connected to the moon, it has a very feminine energy that is cyclical in nature just as a women's cycle. It has a very soothing energy that calms our emotions, but also encourages us to accept them as they come and go with the flow, without judging ourselves too harshly. Moonstone is said to help release energy blockages that prevent us from being able to remain composed and balanced while we are experiencing highs and lows. It inspires us to be the best version of ourselves and to learn from our mistakes, but challenge ourselves to be the creative beings were we meant to be without the fear of failure. Moonstone is a very intuitive stone, helping us connect with our Third Eye to enhance our intuitive powers. Trusting one's self is challenging for most of us, but Moonstone nurtures our fears and trepidations until we begin to see how powerful we truly are. New Beginnings is the message that Moonstone would like to share with us. She wants us to know that we are never stuck in one place on this journey and are always afforded an opportunity for a fresh start!


    Howlite exudes a calming vibration that helps eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. By absorbing our anger, Howlite encourages us to overcome our selfish tendencies and limiting behaviors. Stilling our mind, Howlite emboldens reasonable communication and expression. Attuning us to the spiritual dimension, Howlite helps prepare us to receive and understand divine wisdom and insights. A newfound awareness to current and past life issues assists our understanding of our own patterns allowing for calm resolve to occur. Howlite is excellent for those suffering with insomnia and can be placed under the pillow or in a gem elixir sipped for an hour before bed.

    Petrified Wood

    Petrified Wood is also referred to as Fossilized Wood or Agatized Wood. Petrified Wood has a deep connection to the earth making it an excellent grounding stone. It has healing energies that work with our physical and emotional ailments. Petrified Wood started its journey as wood and slowly over millions and millions of years its natural composition was pseudo morphed into Agatized crystals. It teaches us to be patient with ourselves while we experience our own personal evolution. It reminds us that life is progressing perfectly as it should. Meditating with Petrified Wood is known to help people connect with their spirit while in its infancy being cradled by the universe. A stone that encourages harmony with nature, Petrified Wood reminds us to be conservative with our resources, respect our planet and live in harmony with all sentient beings. If you start to feel any sort of disconnect, use your Petrified Wood as a reminder you are not alone and all beings are universally connected as one.

    Kambaba Jasper

    Kambaba Jasper, also known as Crocodile Jasper, is an exotic stone found only in Africa. It contains three billion-year-old fossils of stromatolites. It has an ancient and profoundly wise earth energy. This energy harmonizes us with the cycles of the Universe and attunes us with the natural vibration of the planet. This erases our worries, anxieties and fear leading to a calmer more relaxed demeanor. A stone of growth, Kambaba Jasper encourages and guides us through our spiritual development by aligning us on our rightful path. It strengthens the inner core of our being, fostering courage, endurance and stamina to persevere while on the journey to become the highest version of ourselves.



    Chalcedony radiates its nurturing vibration instilling a feeling of comfort and contentment to those it touches. Chalcedony is very creative stone, opening the mind towards acceptance of new ideals and situations. It is known to improve our mental flexibility and verbal dexterity making us better listeners and communicators. This is especially beneficial in teams where a brotherhood/sisterhood mentality is crucial. Chalcedony, especially blue Chalcedony, is an excellent Throat Chakra stone. It works to absorb all negative thoughts and emotions we currently feel and replaces them with an optimistic, upbeat outlook. Because our thoughts dictate our actions and the impending result use Chalcedony when you are feeling blue and transform your melancholy into joy!


    An excellent grounding and protective stone, Bloodstone reduces irritabilities, aggressiveness and impatience. It helps to calm our mind, remove confusion and enhance our decision-making abilities by protecting us from undesirable influences and negative energy. Ancient civilizations used Bloodstone for its detoxifying affects on the blood by grinding the stone to a fine powder. They also entrusted Bloodstone to heal exhaustion caused by impurities in the mind, body and spirit connection leaving one’s spirit enlivened and revitalized.


    Rainforest Rhyolite

    Rainforest Rhyolite encourages a deeper connection to Mother Earth. It brings out our passion for all things in nature, inspiring us to really connect with plants, trees, animals and with Gaia herself. Its vibration radiates happiness, providing us with the confidence and motivation we need to confront and heal our emotional wounds and releasing the hold they have on us. It incites strength and perseverance on our spiritual journey. Rainforest Rhyolite shields our emotional health and wellbeing by removing obstacles that prevent our Heart Chakra from flowing freely, opening our hearts to love.


    Quartz is the “Master Healer” and “Stone of Power!” Quartz has a very high vibration that amplifies and purifies our energy and intentions. It raises consciousness towards enlightenment and cleanses us on every level. It is the most powerful healing stone in the crystal kingdom because of its unique helical spiral formation. It's clarity is created from every color of the rainbow enabling it to assist us with any mental, spiritual and physical ailment that prevents us from being the best version of ourselves. It also possesses the wonderful ability to amplify any other crystal it is near enhancing that crystal's energy and vibration!

    Blue Lace Agate

    With its soft, calming vibration, Blue Lace Agate radiates a peaceful and tranquil energy. Its nurturing vibration helps to relieve our self-imposed mental blockages caused by suppressed emotions from our childhood. Once we release ourselves from fear of judgment and failure, we begin to open our Throat Chakra and express our feelings and emotions concisely and clearly. Uniting our thoughts with our actions and our spirit, purifies our soul and allows the peace we feel within to flow outward.

  • Shipping and Returns


    • All products are made to order to your specific size. We strive to have your order shipped within 0-3 days from time your order is placed.
    • We use the United States Postal Service for both domestic and international shipping
    • For Domestic orders we offer three shipping options: Standard, Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express
      • Standard Shipping 3-5 day delivery times
      • Priority Mail 1-3 business day delivery times
      • Priority Mail Express 1-2 business days delivery times​​
      • Visit for an estimate of shipping times based on your zip code. All packages are shipped from zip code 53022
    • For International Orders we use Priority Mail International
      • Shipping times will vary but is estimated to be 6-10 business days.
      • Buyer is responsible for all customs, duties and additional fees charged by the country of origin.
    • All Buyers will receive a tracking number via email once their item has shipped no matter which shipping method is chosen.
    • If a package is lost or stolen, please contact us immediately.



    Return Policy

    · We will happily refund your money if you are not satisfied with your purchase in any way within 30 days from the purchase date. Refunds will be issued once the product is returned and received by Soul Sisters Designs. The buyer is responsible for return shipping expenses.

    · If a bracelet or necklace breaks, we will happily remake or repair the item free of charge for the first 90 days, as long as all the components to remake the design are returned. We reserve the right to recoup any expense incurred to remake the damaged product when returned without all the original components. The buyer is required to pay for outgoing shipping of the remade item.

    · If the product breaks as a result of our error or was damaged during production or shipping we will accept full responsibility and will issue a full refund or remake the piece. We do our best to ensure every product that leaves our door is handcrafted to perfection and do not expect to have any returns due to quality! Overall, our mission is to transform and uplift spirits while introducing the power of healing crystals to others and we promise to work with all of our customers to leave them satisfied!

    · Exchanges- We are happy to exchange any item ordered that don't fit perfectly! Buyer should ship the item needing the size adjustment to us at Soul Sisters Designs W156N11844 Pilgrim Road Germantown, WI 53022 and we will promptly remake the item to the correct size and ship it back. Buyer is responsible for all shipping expenses occurred.


    Soul Sisters Designs

    W156N11844 Pilgrim Road

    Germantown, WI 53022

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