Carnelian is a powerful stone connected to our Sacral Chakra. It helps us regain any personal power we have lost. It enhances our energy and vitality while keeping us grounded to the task at hand. Sometimes our past lingers over our head and we are unable to focus on the present moment. Carnelian encourages us to be present and grounded when decisions need to be made, so as not to allow our past traumas to dictate our current decisions. Carnelian is also known to enhance our personal connection to spirit, empowering us to connect dis-ease of the body with our emotions, allowing us to resolve the suppressed emotional woes in order to heal. An excellent stone to elevate creativity, Carnelian opens our mind to new possibilities encouraging us to think outside the box without worrying about being judged.
Angeliteis the “Stone of Awareness” that assists in uniting us with our Angels enabling us to feel their presence and receive their messages and guidance. A powerful stone for healers, Angelite strengthens attunement, heightens perceptions and raises both our personal vibration and level of consciousness. Angelite transmutes our emotional pains, fears, anxieties and anger into compassion, understanding and forgiveness so we can remove the toxic energy we have been holding onto that does not serve a higher purpose. It opens our Throat Chakra encouraging us to concisely and effectively speak our truth from the heart. Angelite inspires our spirituality by connecting us to Universal knowledge and helping us return to feeling whole and connected.
Dendritic Agate
Dendritic Agate is a stone of plentitude. It brings abundance and the sense of fullness to all aspects of our lives. Deepening our connection to nature, it radiates the same calming energy we feel while outside into our everyday lives. Dendritic Agate encourages us to live fully in the present moment, releasing the tight grip past mistakes and emotional trauma have over our mind. It further facilitates our personal growth by keeping us centered and balanced during times of strife. Dendritic Agate promotes perseverance while reminding us that difficult times in our lives are nothing more than challenges to overcome. Spiritually, Dendritic Agate urges us to never forget our roots, encouraging us to remain connected to them as we progress on our journey never forgetting where we started or the lessons learned on the way.